Monday, July 30, 2018

5 Massive Benefits of Vaping over Traditional Tobacco Smoking

For many years people have started to ditch the misconceptions associated with vaping. In comparison to traditional tobacco smoking, vaping is still a new concept for many people; But still it has managed to gain popularity quickly. 

A major chunk of the population is using E-cigarettes globally, and demand is still increasing every day. Many people are still sceptical about vaping. So, let’s discuss a few benefits of vaping over smoking so that you know why it is good to switch to vaping now:

  1. Less Lethal Chemicals: Undoubtedly, cigarettes consist of a significant amount of harmful chemicals and toxins. Nicotine, cyanide, arsenic, and the list are never-ending. On the other hand, you don’t experience such health hazards with vape juices. Cigarettes kill – Fact.. Not one death attributable to vaping exists
  2. Less Hazardous to Health: Smoking is linked with lung cancer, mouth cancer, respiratory and cardiovascular diseases, and many more health ailments. It is a scientifically proven fact that smoking is harmful to health and causes deadly diseases. It is because of the presence of the carcinogenic chemicals that are produced by the chemical reaction of burning tobacco with the chemicals to keep the tobacco alight that a cigarette contains.
  3. Less Addictive: People find smoking hard to quit because of the presence of nicotine, which makes the users addicted to it. Nicotine is more addictive than crack-cocaine – Fact. Many commercially available vape liquids have varying amounts of nicotine, if any. Even the highest legal nicotine levels in E liquid, are still less than the lowest traditional cigarettes. It is much harder to absorb nicotine through vaping as opposed to burning tobacco. 
  4. A Better Alternative to Smoking: Many people who want to quit smoking can switch to vaping. Choosing it is the easiest step towards quitting the habit of smoking tobacco.
  5. Several Flavours: An additional favourable point of vaping is easy availability of various flavours of E-juices. You can get tobacco flavoured e liquid, and several other flavours as per your liking. Cigarettes users have only tobacco to enjoy whereas vape juices are available in many flavours, such as apple, strawberry, caramel, menthol, cherry, chocolate, etc.

Smoking is not only harmful to the smoker but for the others also who are present in the vicinity of a smoker. Vaping is much safer for both users and others. Its fumes are odourless smoke or have a sweet, pleasant aroma. You can buy vapor juice online from vape store at a reasonable price along with different types of smoking accessories.


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